Haute Tips for Buying a Good Lipstick

Holla, beautiful!

Who doesn’t love a good lipstick? We are all women and we love our pout and those colours. Don’t we?

I know you have been aching to buy a good lipstick, all the time. Ha-ha, well we all do. Forget diamonds, a good lipstick is a woman's best friend, saviour and a real confidence booster. So, when a lipstick does as many goods to us, why err while buying a one? 

I am sure that you already know "How to Select a Good Lipstick". For you and for few of us who do not, let us do a quick touch up on how to select a good lipstick for your beautiful self.

Here are few tips that we follow and think they could be handy to you as well.

1)        Right Lipstick for Right Complexion: Finding a right colour that not just accentuate your complexion but looks good on you is imperative. There is surfeit of colours as available in the market, and you have to choose colours that match your complexion. Let’s make it very simple for you. You need to test your colour type i.e. whether you need warm toned colours or cold toned colours. One thing you can do is take a white paper, go to natural sunlight and hold the paper below your chin. The reflection if is in red, blue or purple, you have a cool skin tone. The shades that best suits to your skin tone will be- Pink, Rose, Fuschia Cherry, wine, berry, lavender, plum extra. If the reflection is in beige, yellow or Dull, then your skin tone is warm. The colours for this type of skin tone are- Beige, Brown, Honey, Coral, Orange, Warm Red and the types. Whoa, that’s whole lot of colours. Now how to select a right one from this spectrum? Read below.


2)        Try before You Buy: Before buying a new shade, ask the salesperson if they have testers. Either swatch the colour on your lips or hold the lipstick against your face to determine the compatibility of the skin tone with the colour. Often, we like quite some colours but unfortunately, they do not go well with our skin tones. Also, I prefer to swatch the colours on my face or lips instead of hands. As our hands may not necessarily meet our facial complexion and can be the shade lighter than it.

Do not use a common lipstick as it can transfer the germs to your mouth. Always ask for brushes or individual sachets.

3) Right Texture-Satin, Matte or Gloss: While this is something absolute your prerogative. However, I still suggest that if you are investing a substantial amount in buying a high-end lipstick, know your preference. For day-time usages, I generally prefer Matte finish and, for evening wear- Glossy lipsticks are best. Having said that, there is no hard and fast rule here. Wear the colour that you are comfortable with. If you have extremely dry lips, avoid wearing matte or long-lasting colours. You should select keeping your Lip and weather condition in mind. 

If you are going for Retro frosted lipstick, buy it only for formal/makeup wear as they are not meant for casual wear.

Image: Pinterest

4)  Naturally Yours: There is a beauty tip that I always follow when it comes to lipstick. I always try a lipstick on my bare face, and if it pulls the look there, I buy it. You too can follow the same and share your feedback [if any]

5)        Lipstick Usage Dates: Irrespective of the brand, check out the manufacturing and expiry dates for each lipstick before buying them.

Well, those were my Top 5 Haute Tips for Buying a Good Lipstick. Hope you like reading them. Would you have any question or query, you can always write to me at hautekutir@gmail.com

I have few more tips up on my sleeves and I shall post them sometime. Meanwhile, enjoy reading these tips and do follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Do check out my Brand New #MegaGiveaway on @YouTube: Women's Day & Holi Giveaway

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