Years back when I have written how "every woman has right to sanitary" for TedTalks, I have not just highlighted about breaking the taboo but also about providing an access to every woman towards hygiene, especially during the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual haaw! may be a taboo word but as a woman, as a girl in the society that I am, the social taboo was never a challenge for me. I have seen through some myth and ostracism attached to it, but it wasn't my bigger problem as the whole menstrual cycle was or is.
Reflection and Requip
If I reflect back today, the only thing associated with Menstrual Cycle that bug me most is the "mess and physical pain" that came complimentary with it. Thanks to my well-educated, high thinking parents, I was always supported and supplied with all kinds of support that sought during those "5 days". One of the biggest support was the access, availability and 100% adaptability of proper Sanitary napkins, a privilege that I see numerous other girls/women in the country, lacking even today.
If "Chums" is more politically accepted or widely used, sophisticated word for those 5 days, let me tell you "sanitary napkins" are actually your best "chum" for those 5 days, #BumChums totally! Want to know about one of my best friends that helped me sailed through those 5 days? Well, read more to know more...
#OwnThose5Days With Whisper, #BlogEvent
One of my best #BumChum that sailed me through all those painful 5 days is- Whisper Sanitary Pads for Female. Ahoy, it and no it did not tell me any joke to keep my mood light but it helped me to not become a joke. While, I moved on with my life "like a human who is also a woman", It was Whisper that was and still is a preferred "marathon" partner for my run so far.
When Whisper invited me for the launch of their new ultra clean, I was all limbs to go and learn more about this new improved version.
The event began with a vivacious Aditi Mittal taking the stage and talking about few menstrual myths and Whisper's campaign on "Touch the Pickles" among other related moments of guffaws and "aww you said it right" moments. Joining her on the stage was Dr. Nandita Palshetkar, a renowned gynaecologist, Chetan Kotyalkar- Whisper R&D head and an ever effervescent Kalki Koechlin, the new gen actress. Together they launched the New Whisper Ultra Clean. Here are few glimpses from the event-
Whisper team also took us through a hilarious yet thought-provoking video project- Like A woman. You must see it, to believe it.
Yes seeing is believing and to accentuate that, next came a life demo session where Chetan has very gracefully taken us through "absorption" test of various sanitary napkins as available vis a vie The New Whisper. He took some popular brands from market and demonstrated the soaking ability of each, convincing that Whisper has the highest capability built even for heavy flow
So what is about this new Whisper? Well, stay tuned to our blog to know more about it including a quick review of the same.
In the meantime, do check out this exclusive video with Kalki Koechlin who wants to drive down a message to all you lovely girls out there.
Let's not mince our words when it comes to female sanitary, hygiene and suggested comfort in those 5 days. Hush out that whisper and rush into Whisper to #OwnThose5Days.
Remember, before boardroom, bathroom or bedroom, this is where women empowerment begins! I call it- being comfortable in your own pants!
Happy days are Here Again!
Haute Kutir/ Ekta
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Follow Haute Kutir on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook

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