I have lived in different parts of the country and everywhere I went, I looked for a house, a home that I can call my own. Living in a new city is no that difficult as difficult it is to find a proper house where you can live in. Notwithstanding the rising rates of real estate, the location also determined the property selection.
I have spent hours and days to find a right accommodation at a right location. While proximity, convenience and economy were my priorities, it was an overall safety that counted.
Living in a rental accommodation and owning a place are two different things. While I always tried to personalise the places I lived in, I always ached to have my own place that I can completely personalise and call my own. I spent months to get adjusted to a place but leaving it always betrayed my heart. Living, loving and then leaving a place is no child’s play.
Owning Your own House
If there is one thing that I ached whole through my life, it was to own a place, a home all in my name. No matter how to profile a place it was where I lived or am currently living, I always craved for a place, however modest it may be, that was all mine.
I am sure a lot of you too will feel the same.
I am sure a lot of you too will feel the same.
As a woman, we always lived in our parents or our husband’s place. Very rarely do we have a place of our own. It is not to say that our parental or in-law house are not ours, but owning a house on your own merit is a pleasure outside this world.
And why not? We are today’s women. Educated, suave, independent and capable. We are running businesses, driving revenues, rearing a family and some of us are even travelling to the moon. Then why not buying our own house?
To me, it is a type of liberation, a next step in being responsible. Real estate is evolving and changing every day. There are a plethora of properties, amenities and options. There is no dearth of information or opportunities.
Atika by Origin Corp
I am not a cause crusader but my eternal dream of owning a property that is niche and women friendly drew me to Atika.
Atika is a real estate initiative and project by Origin Corp, that can help you materialise your dream of owning a house and bearing your nameplate on it. It is not a “women-only” property but one can live with their family including members of the other gender. No gender bender here. However, what separates it from others is the virtue of its concept. What I learnt is this building provides female security services and help in building a mutually growing community.
Located at Mira Road, this property indeed worth our consideration. I am planning to check it out. How about you?

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