Top iOS Supported WaterMarks Apps For Your Photos #MacBookProject

A picture speaks 1000 words

Pictures, blogging and social media have become an inseparable trio. Often, pictures may not appear as we perceived them while clicking, or there will be some basic edits like adding your copyright stamps.

Given the amazing photo editing features on some of these social media apps like Instagram and Twitter these days, additional editing has almost become obsolete to me. I may not edit any picture for my blog but given the rise in plagiarism, it is crucial to add a watermark on pictures before sharing them online/ in person. Off course, I am done with free service and am sure, you too will echo the sentiments. If not, check my post on- WHY YOU SHOULD WATERMARK YOUR PICTURES

Adding Watermark to your pictures
In my previous post,  we reiterated the importance of adding a watermark in our pictures/photos/images. Time to harp a little more on that subject and as promised, check out some popular apps to add watermark to your pictures.

Constraints while adding watermark
There must be 100s of photo editing apps that are available online, on iOS and Android stores. A lot of times it becomes so difficult to find out a right app for your photography needs, convenience and budgets. I find editing a tedious job and hence always emphasise on capturing a "first-time correct" picture. However, adding watermark becomes a tedious task especially when you have a large number of pictures to be added.  

Recently, when I lost all my pictures, documents, personalised watermark etc when my laptop crashed, I lost heart to recapture/ create them again. Thank God for Google Photos that I could recover some of my original/ unedited pictures and started things fresh on my new device i.e. iOS powered Macbook. Switching from a veteran friend Windows to new found love iOS wasn't easy, and working with pictures was even more confusing for a tech savvy person like me. In spite of having used MacBook Air earlier, am still discovering and learning new things every day, painstakingly. 
solely based on my personal experience using some of them.

So, in this post, we shall quickly highlight Top 5 watermark Apps based on the following criteria-

a) iOS or MacBook Centric
b) Single V/s Bulk Uploads Compatibility
c) Solely based on my personal experiences
d) Focus on Visible Watermarks rather than invisible watermarks

Top Five Apps to add Watermark on your pictures

1) MacBook Photo Preview

It is a free, inbuilt tool that is available with pictures preview. You can access this using "Annotate" from the"tools". Open the image by right clicking [or whatever command you have added for it] the image from finders. You can add watermark by using text, basic shapes, speech bubble, Loupe, mask and even a signature using camera or trackpad-

The app is free, simple and good for adding for adding multiple watermarks on a single photo. However, it doesn't support bulk add and tedious to work with pictures saved in the MacBook Photos. It is a basic app and works best for text watermark, speech bubbles and adding signatures. You can also edit your picture in preview, unlike other watermark apps.

2) Impression 2
If I am not mistaken, this app is only iOS-centric and compatible with iOS 8.0 or later. This is free and simple to download. Before trying this app I tried other apps like visual watermark extra and most of them were unimpressive for me.

The beauty of this app is that it does support text/ picture watermark too and good for single as well bulk watermark tasks. Download the app from bluecrowbar open and drag the pictures from your MacBook. 

You can check the layout from the image below

It is quite a simple app that also allows you to create a "preset" wherein you can create and use a standard watermark for all the images, present and future. 

You can export the pictures to iPhoto, aperture or any folder in your notebook. This supports JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats too.

However, the limitation is that you cannot customise different watermarks at different pictures for bulk upload. Nor you can edit your pictures like MacBook Photo Preview. 
Also, when you upload a file image/logo, it becomes blurred post export.

One good thing is that this is a free app, unlike iWaterMark that leaves its own watermark unless you buy the premium service.

3) Photo Bulk
Another batch processor for Mac but it is a paid feature. You can download the free version but it will allow only one image at a time. Yoy can use text, image, date stamp and even a script for the watermark in Photo Bulk. Unlike Impression 2, it processes the image watermark clear and up to the opacity level as selected by you.

Another beautiful thing about this app is that helps in resizing your image, optimise and compress too. You can also change the file name using this app at one go. You can buy the personal license as well team license [for 5 Mac]

4) iWaterMark
This is one of the most common available tool for both iOS and Android platform. You can sue this on your notebook as well smartphone as well. It is a paid app and comes with exhaustive features. 

However, you can use a free version too but that will add its own brand watermark in your picture. You can learn more about its features here

I have tried the free version but uninstalled it for obvious reasons.

5) Microsoft Powerpoint
Believe it or not, this is my most favourite tool for picture editing, adding watermark or designing a layout or thumbnail. It is simple to use and does not require any internet connection to use. When I lost my data on windows to encryptions, I lost my ppt files wherein I have created batches of personal layout and watermark designs too.

You can make your own watermark using "insert" feature in .ppt and "apply all" in all slides. MS PPT also helped me to crop/ do the minor edit on my pictures and I am planning to get one installed in my MacBook soon enough. 

The best thing is- this is a part of mandatory MS package and is available on almost all systems. 

There are other ways to add watermark like - Photoshop [more popular], Picassa [retired to Google Photos], UMark amongst others. So select from the above-listed apps and suit yourself :)

If you know of any other app that belongs to this category and is good too, do care to let us know at

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